Make Dog Behavior Frustrations a Thing of the Past
Whether they're in training or need a place to stay overnight, your pups deserve to be treated like family.

This isn't just about getting your dog to do what you want. Listening is an important skill that can keep them safe and well-socialized.

Our reward-based dog training experience keeps training fun! And providing much-needed mental stimulation has your doggo learning while playing.

Your dog won't be the only one who benefits from training at The Canine Ranch. Training together with your best friend means growing together.
After one behavior session, with my tempermental Jack Russell Terrior, I saw amazing results!
- Megas Reyes
Your Pup Deserves Special Treatment
We like to keep doggie business personal. With one phone call, we get you loaded in our system. And then you can select and schedule services and stays online, anytime.
We treat every pup like family. Before your first visit, we want to get to know you! Every dog has a unique personality and needs. And, we're all about giving them special treatment.
Puppy Profile
We spend about 20 minutes with you, putting your pup's profile together. We like to get the full K-9 yards on your dog's preferences, behaviors, dietary restrictions, and medical needs.
Select Services
Once you're loaded in our system, we'll send you a login and password to access your account. Then you'll be able to schedule any of our services in our online calendar, anytime.
Over 11 Acres of Dog Adventures
We are more than just a kennel. With every caregiver highly trained, here's more of what we have to offer:
In-Home Training
In-home training can be an invaluable aid in training your dog – especially when dealing with unruly behaviors. When we come to your home, we provide hands-on demonstration for your whole family.
Board and Train
Our trainers thrive on four-legged etiquette challenges (and the occasional three-legged ones). Send us your door jumpers, food thieves, couch chewers and hole diggers. Send us your whiners, nippers and antsy pants. And we will send back a polite dog ready to impress you and your guests.
See more about Boarding here.
Obedience Options
We have several options to help your dog become the best behaved pup on the block! New to obedience? If so, try our Beginner Obedience class. Want to take your dog's obedience skills up a notch? Then try our Intermediate Obedience class. If you'd rather focus on your specific obedience needs, private lessons are available too.